lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008

Probably Minorca's best known cave dive

Pont de'n Gil- Ciutadella, this dive is pretty shallow and really one spends most of the time along the surface inside the cave, thus using very little air.
The sheltered area of Sa Cigonya, where we anchored was the deepest part of the dive, from there onwards through the "Pont de'n Gil", and towards the cavern gradually shallower til the inner part, eventually surfacing in the cave and floating along the surface admiring the rock formations.

This time the sea spray inside provided us with a foggy effect. Since this is one of the best-known dives it explains why we came across so many divers, several groups swam bellow us while we took these pictures.

As we made our way to the exit, we came across yet another group making the place quite busy and creating a lot of suspended sand. Durng the dive we saw very little life, some small scorpionfish and a few shy shrimps.
The outer area was covered with nudibranchs, mainly the varieties we saw were; flabellina affinis & Cratena Peregrina.

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

Pont de'n Gil

Esta es sin duda la inmersión por excelencia de la isla, eso explica la cantidad de embarcaciones y buzos que hallamos este sábado por la mañana. Cabe destacar además la gran cantidad de nudis en las zonas exteriores de la cueva, así como las dificultades de visibilidad en el interior puesto que con cada grupo que pasaba más arena quedaba suspendida.

El interior de la gruta es la parte más bonita de la cueva, a pesar de ello y debido a la afluencia de buzos no recorrimos toda las caverna.